Thursday, July 28, 2011


Made some changes and added some new things.

Up top there is a navigation bar because I added new pages. My DJ Schedule is now no longer on the side bar, but on it's own page. Also, I made a Media page where I will put some cool music videos and stuff that I personally like or, that I am playing at my sets here and there. Both pages will be updated regularly as new info or material comes out.

About me has been updated and I changed around the order of content on the side vertical bar.

What's to come: Well I may make pages for my other en devours I have going on in SL and might slowly move and update content from the DJ InsyX Website of old and place all that here...then use the old website for something in RL.

I got FaceBook! Now do not go all crazy on me with the "OMG he actually joined" routines LOL. I made an account because MB and others kept wanting me to see things from them on it, and you need an account to do that for most things. I had it for awhile for perving uses so to say. I updated it and look at the wall now and then, but most ongoing important info, news, continuous blogging and stuff will stay here. Anyways there is a  Badge to my Facebook page on the side vertical pane as well.

Hugs and boy this is a process, but I love it.

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